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“Would you like a defribillator with that?” When life meets brand promise at Heart Attack Grill

17 February 2012

The top two topics trending globally on Twitter yesterday morning related to a man who reportedly suffered a heart attack at a restaurant in Las Vegas called Heart Attack Grill on Saturday night, while eating a burger aptly entitled a “Triple Bypass Burger” – see news report here. No doubt this will reignite criticisms of the Heart Attack Grill and its place in the United States obesity debate.

For those unfamiliar with the Heart Attack Grill, its premise – as the name suggests – is the antithesis of health conscious eating. With the slogan “taste…worth dying for” (which certainly didn’t feature in any of our recent Top 10 slogans…), a sign on the door reads, “Caution: This Establishment is Bad for Your Health”.

We earlier posted about Heart Attack Grill protecting its brand and its intellectual property through the Courts, both against 2nd Ave Deli and against Heart Stoppers Sports Grill. While the Heart Attack Grill was successful against Heart Stoppers Sports Grill, its case against 2nd Ave Deli is still progressing through the US District Court in the Southern District of New York. A status conference on the case was scheduled for yesterday (dockets and filing timeline online here).

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It has certainly been a busy week for Heart Attack Grill owner Jon Basso.

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