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International Arbitration

Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards in PRC -Enforcement of a Singapore International Arbitration Centre Award at the Dalian Intermediate Court

15 April 2021

There has been an increasing number of cases in which PRC courts recognize and enforce foreign arbitral awards in accordance with the Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards (the “New York Convention”). We share our experience and reflections through an actual case where an award rendered by the Singapore International Arbitration Centre was recognized and enforced by the Dalian Intermediate People’s Court (the “Dalian Intermediate Court”).

(I) Case Introduction

In 2002, a Singapore company entered into a Cooperation Agreement with a Dalian company and its legal representative Gao, in which Singapore company granted Dalian company a non-exclusive license to use the trademark in question. It is stipulated that Dalian company could only use the trademark within the scope and period set forth in the Cooperation Agreement. Dalian company had no right to or interest in the trademark other than the rights as licensee.

After the execution of the Cooperation Agreement, Dalian company registered the trademark in its name in 2003 without the consent of Singapore company. Upon discovery, Singapore company commenced arbitration by submitting a Notice of Arbitration to the Singapore International Arbitration Centre in 2015, requesting Dalian company and its legal representative Gao to immediately stop using and to return the trademark in question.

In January 2016, the arbitral tribunal rendered a final award after hearing (the “Award”). In February 2016, Singapore company applied for recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitral awards to the Dalian Intermediate Court, in accordance with the Civil Procedure Law of the PRC (the “Civil Procedure Law”), the New York Convention, the Decision of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress on Acceding to the Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards (the “Decision on Acceding to the New York Convention” ), the Notice of the Supreme People’s Court on Implementing the Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards Acceded to by PRC (the “Notice on Acceding to the New York Convention”) and other relevant provisions.

(II) Issues

During the hearing of the application for recognition and enforcement of the foreign arbitral award, Dalian company and Gao (the “Respondents”) put forward that whether there are circumstances specified in Paragraph 1 and 2 of Article V of the New York Convention that would allow the court to refuse recognition and enforcement of the Award.

Whether there are circumstances specified in Paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article V of the New York Convention that would allow the court to refuse recognition and enforcement of the Award

Under Article 4 of the Notice on Acceding to the New York Convention, the recognition and enforcement of a foreign arbitral award may be refused only if circumstances specified in Paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article V of the New York Convention[1] arise.

The respondent argues that the case falls into the following circumstances where enforcement shall not be recognized:

The Award is in conflict with the Trademark Law of the PRC (the “Trademark Law”) and the administrative ruling rendered by the Trademark Review and Adjudication Board of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce (the “TRAB”) in respect of the trademark in question, and therefore shall not be recognized and enforced.

In this case, the TRAB rendered a ruling in 2015, rejecting the application for declaration of the invalidity of the trademark in question on the ground that the time for Singapore company to file the application for declaration of invalidity had exceeded the statutory five-year time limit as prescribed in the Trademark Law.

As for the Award, Singapore company requests the Respondents to bear the liabilities for breach of contract under the Cooperation Agreement in accordance with the Cooperation Agreement among the parties. In the hearing, the arbitral tribunal also heard the issue and determined that the relief sought by Singapore company was remedy under the Cooperation Agreement, and the ruling made by the TRAB would not affect the relief sought by Singapore company in the arbitration case. Accordingly, the Trademark Law is not applicable to this case and does not conflict with the Award.

At the same time, the Award and the ruling are based on different laws and facts. The arbitration requests raised by Singapore company and the contents of the Award do not require the TRAB to take any action and do not infringe upon the administrative sovereignty of our country.

  • The content of the Award is, or the cancellation of the trademark, or the assignment to the Claimant, which is uncertain, shall not be enforceable.
  • In this respect, we replied to the Dalian Intermediate Court on behalf of the Claimant that: the enforceability issue of the Award shall not be considered by the court because it does not fall under the circumstances provided in Article V of the New York Convention. In addition, all the items of the Award are enforceable.

Under Article V of the New York Convention, a PRC court may refuse to recognize and enforce a foreign arbitral award only when circumstances specified in Article V arise. Enforceability of the Award does not fall within the circumstances listed therein, thus does not fall within the scope of review by a court and shall not be reviewed.

Moreover, the three specific items of the Award are enforceable. Item 1 specifies that the Respondents shall take necessary actions to complete the cancellation or transfer registration of the trademark. As for its enforceability against Gao, in the process of trademark cancellation or transfer, Gao, as the legal representative of Dalian company, shall perform the duties as the legal representative thereof and cooperate with Dalian company for “necessary actions” to complete the trademark cancellation or transfer. If the Respondents fail to cooperate, Singapore company may achieve the effect of trademark cancellation or transfer by applying for enforcement or sending an enforcement assistance notice to the Trademark Office of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce (currently the National Intellectual Property Administration) in the enforcement proceeding.

(IIII) The Ruling

The Dalian Intermediate Court ruled that none of the reasons raised by the Respondents constituted the circumstances in which recognition and enforcement may be refused as provided in Paragraph 1 of Article V of the New York Convention, and there is no basis for refusal of recognition and enforcement in the Award as specified in Paragraph 2 of Article V of the New York Convention. The court thus recognized the validity of the Award rendered by the Singapore International Arbitration Centre and rendered a ruling for enforcement.

The Dalian Intermediate Court analysed the issues as follows:

  • The Respondents claimed that the recognition and enforcement of the Award would violate the Trademark Law and the administrative ruling that has come into force.

The arbitral tribunal’s decision addresses the Respondents’ liability for breach of contract, and the scope of the Award is limited within the contractual parties. The Award did not hold that the trademark administrative authorities of PRC must do or not do certain acts, nor did the Award decide on the legitimacy and validity of the trademark registered by Dalian company in PRC. Accordingly, the recognition and enforcement of the Award will not conflict with the Trademark Law, or the administrative ruling that has come into force.

  • Issues raised by the Respondents concerning the unenforceability of the Award.

In this case although the trademark in question was registered in the name of Dalian company, Gao, as the legal representative of Dalian company, has the obligation to prepare, submit and sign the relevant documents when cancelling or transferring the trademark as required by Singapore company. Therefore, the subject of enforcement and the content of performance of the Award are specific. The Award is thus enforceable, and the defence by the Respondents does not stand.

Subsequent enforceability of the optional Item 1 of the Award

In this case, Item 1 of the Award is that the Respondents shall take necessary actions to cancel the trademark in question in PRC, or, take necessary actions to transfer the trademark in question to Singapore company at its request. This option was intended to provide more flexibility to Singapore company, but it may also lead to misunderstandings as to whether the content is specific and enforceable. After obtaining the ruling of recognition and enforcement from the Dalian Intermediate Court, we specifically chose to transfer, rather than to cancel, the trademark in question when applying for enforcement of the ruling according to the instructions of Singapore company. The Dalian Intermediate Court made an enforcement ruling that required the Respondents to transfer the trademark in question to Singapore company. Based on this, Singapore company applied to the Trademark Office for the transfer of the trademark and successfully obtained the approval, making it clear that a ruling with such an option is enforceable.

(IV) Other Procedural Issues

In addition to the issues summarized above, we also encountered the following issues worth noting in the course of the case:

  • Whether an objection to jurisdiction may be raised in the course of recognition and enforcement of a foreign arbitral award

The Respondents raised an objection to jurisdiction after Singapore company filed an application for recognition and enforcement of the foreign arbitration award. Although there were no express legal provisions allowing to raise an objection to jurisdiction in application for recognition and enforcement of a foreign arbitral award at that time, the Dalian Intermediate Court accepted the objection and ruled to dismiss it, which was upheld by the Liaoning High People’s Court.

Article 10 of the Provisions of the Supreme People’s Court on Several Issues concerning Hearing Cases of Arbitration-Related Judicial Review (No. 22 [2017] of the Supreme people’s court), effective since January 1, 2018, clarifies that where a respondent objects to the jurisdiction of a court which has accepted an arbitration-related judicial review case (including applications for recognizing and enforcing a foreign arbitral award), the respondent shall file the objection within 15 days after receiving the notice from the court. The court shall review the objection filed by the respondent and make a ruling. A party may appeal the ruling if unsatisfied.

  • Whether asset preservation may be conducted in the course of recognition and enforcement of a foreign arbitral award

After filing the application for recognition and enforcement of the foreign arbitral award, we immediately applied to the court for asset preservation on behalf of Singapore company, and liaised with the court multiple times expressing willingness to provide full guarantee. However, the Dalian Intermediate Court did not approve our application for asset preservation due to lack of express legal provisions allowing asset preservation in the recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitral award. This blank area of law and the cautious attitude of the court also lay a hidden danger for the parties’ later fight for the trademark in question.

Although the PRC has acceded to the New York Convention for more than 30 years, many details in the procedure for recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitral awards in practice remain to be clarified. In this case, on one hand, the Respondents managed to gain themselves more time by raising objections to jurisdiction and appealing to the decision; on the other hand, Singapore company was unable to obtain an asset preservation order in the lawsuit, providing the counterparty with the opportunity to create difficulties and hinder the enforcement. In particular, given that there have been clear stipulations of asset preservation in a series of arrangements regarding the recognition and enforcement of civil and commercial judgments and arbitral awards of Taiwan Region, Macao Special Administrative Region and Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, there is still a lack of institutional support for asset preservation in the recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitral awards. There are still blank areas in the relevant laws that need to be improved.

[1] Article 5 of the New York Convention: 1. Recognition and enforcement of the award may be refused, at the request of the party against whom it is invoked, only if that party furnishes to the competent authority where the recognition and enforcement is sought, proof that: (a) The parties to the agreement referred to in article II were, under the law applicable to them, under some incapacity, or the said agreement is not valid under the law to which the parties have subjected it or, failing any indication thereon, under the law of the country where the award was made; or (b) The party against whom the award is invoked was not given proper notice of the appointment of the arbitrator or of the arbitration proceedings or was otherwise unable to present his case; or (c) The award deals with a difference not contemplated by or not falling within the terms of the submission to arbitration, or it contains decisions on matters beyond the scope of the submission to arbitration, provided that, if the decisions on matters submitted to arbitration can be separated from those not so submitted, that part of the award which contains decisions on matters submitted to arbitration may be recognized and enforced; or (d) The composition of the arbitral authority or the arbitral procedure was not in accordance with the agreement of the parties, or, failing such agreement, was not in accordance with the law of the country where the arbitration took place; or (e) The award has not yet become binding on the parties, or has been set aside or suspended by a competent authority of the country in which, or under the law of which, that award was made.  2. Recognition and enforcement of an arbitral award may also be refused if the competent authority in the country where recognition and enforcement is sought finds that: (a) The subject matter of the difference is not capable of settlement by arbitration under the law of that country; or (b) The recognition or enforcement of the award would be contrary to the public policy of that country.



(一) 案情简介




(二) 争议焦点




被申请人提出本案具有不被认可执行的以下情形 :





  • 《仲裁裁决》裁决的内容是或者注销商标,或者转让给申请人,此等不确定的裁项,不具有可执行性。
  • 就此,我们代表申请人向大连中院回复,可执行性问题不属于《纽约公约》第五条所规定的情形,法院不应予以考虑,且《仲裁裁决》各裁项皆具有可执行性。



(三) 裁定结果



  • 两被申请人称《仲裁裁决》的承认和执行将与我国《商标法》相悖、与已经生效的行政裁决书相悖


  • 关于两被申请人提出的《仲裁裁决》不可执行性的问题




(四) 其他程序问题


  • 承认和执行外国仲裁裁决程序中,能否提起管辖权异议



  • 承认和执行外国仲裁裁决程序中,能否进行财产保全




[1] 除了《纽约公约》以外的具体规定为:《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》(“《民事诉讼法》”)、《全国人民代表大会常务委员会关于我国加入〈承认及执行外国仲裁裁决公约〉的决定》(“《全国人大关于加入纽约公约的决定》”)及《最高人民法院关于执行我国加入的〈承认及执行外国仲裁裁决公约〉的通知》(“《最高院关于加入纽约公约的通知》”)。

[2] 《纽约公约》)第五条:“一、裁决唯有于受裁决援用之一造向声请承认及执行地之主管机关提具证据证明有下列情形之一时,始得依该造之请求,除予承认及执行:(甲)第二条所称协定之当事人依对其适用之法律有某种无行为能力情形者,或该项协定依当事人作为协定准据之法律系属无效,或未指明以何法律为准时,依裁决地所在国法律系属无效者;(乙)受裁决援用之一造未接获关于指派仲裁员或仲裁程序之适当通知,或因他故,致未能申辩者;(丙)裁决所处理之争议非为交付仲裁之标的或不在其条款之列,或裁决载有关于交付仲裁范围以外事项之决定者,但交付仲裁事项之决定可与未交付仲裁之事项划分时,裁决中关于交付仲裁事项之决定部分得予承认及执行;(丁)仲裁机关之组成或仲裁程序与各造间之协议不符,或无协议而与仲裁地所在国法律不符者;(戊)裁决对各造尚无拘束力,或业经裁决地所在国或裁决所依据法律之国家之主管机关撤销或停止执行者。二、倘声请承认及执行地所在国之主管机关认定有下列情形之一,亦得拒不承认及执行仲裁裁决:(甲)依该国法律,争议事项系不能以仲裁解决者;(乙)承认或执行裁决有违该国公共政策者。”

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