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In Competition

Release of the Final Report on the Australian Consumer Law

27 April 2017

Consumer Affairs Australia and New Zealand (CAANZ) released its Final Report on 19 April 2017 in relation to its review of the Australian Consumer Law (ACL), proposing 22 changes intended to strengthen and clarify the operation of the law, and a program of research and policy development to future-proof it.

In the first major check-up of the ACL since its introduction, the finding is one of good health generally, though with some room for improvements.  Unsurprisingly, some of the more significant recommendations are a large increase in the maximum penalties for a breach of the ACL, strengthened rights to consumer guarantee remedies and the introduction of a new general obligation to ensure that products are safe before market entry.

Read the full alert by Lisa Huett, Melissa Monks and team here.

Photo credit: Ged Carroll via Flickr (re-sized/ colour change)

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