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In Competition

Happy First Birthday to the Unfair Terms Extension to Small Business

14 November 2017

Possibly as a birthday present to itself, the ACCC released a statement noting that it “is continuing to educate business and take enforcement action to ensure that small businesses receive the protections of the new unfair contract terms laws”.  The statement was released on 13 November 2017, one year and one day from the extension of the unfair terms regime to small businesses.

The Hon Michael McCormack, Minister for Small Business, also delivered a speech in honour of the occasion, encouraging small businesses to report potential unfair terms to the ACCC, their state Small Business Commissioner or the Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman.

We recapped last month, looking at the ACCC’s action against JJ Richards and its continuing proceedings against Servcorp.  We also discussed what the unfair terms regime might mean for businesses.  Give yourself a present by checking out our post.

Image: Will Clayton ‘Birthday Cake’ / Flickr / CC BY 2.0 – remixed to B&W and resized


one year and one day from the extension of the unfair terms regime to small businesses
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