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In Competition

European Commission adopts light-touch approach to regulating online platforms operating in EU

30 June 2016

The European Commission has adopted a light-touch approach to regulating online platforms operating in EU.  These developments which will be of interest to online platform businesses with operations in the EU.

As part of its ongoing EU Digital Single Market strategy the European Commission recently published its views concerning the role of online platforms in the EU digital economy. Noting the importance of online platforms in the Digital Single Market, the Commission refrains from suggesting regulatory measures specifically targeting online platforms.  Instead, the Commission adopts a watching-brief for the moment. It will revisit the issue when it proposes new legislation in the framework of its Digital Single Strategy.

A range of EU rules nevertheless already applies to online platforms.  These existing rules relate to competition, consumer protection, protection of personal data and single market freedoms.

Our Alert sets out a detailed discussion of the recent Europeans Commission developments and potential future implications.

Photo Credit: Flickr/ Christiaan Colen / Remixed to black and white

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