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In Competition

Co-operate and $ave

14 December 2012

On 6 December 2012, the Malaysian Competition Commission (MyCC) issued a Final Decision against the Cameron Highlands Floriculturist Association, confirming its earlier finding (in its Proposed Decision, which we blogged about here) that the Association had engaged in an anti-competitive agreement to increase the price of flowers.

While the Final Decision retained all the non-financial remedies (including a requirement that the Association cease and desist from the infringing conduct), the MyCC did not impose the financial penalty it had included in its Proposed Decision.  This was stated to be as a result of the Association’s consultations with MyCC and “exemplary cooperation in complying with the Act”.

The key take away? Co-operation will go a long way in avoiding financial penalties during the early implementation of Malaysia’s new competition laws.

Parvin ♣( OFF for a while ) / Foter / CC BY-SA

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