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Flying high with hydrogen – short-haul flights take off

23 January 2024

Scott Gardiner, KWM’s Co-Global Head of Projects, Energy and Resources, delivers his latest fun fact on hydrogen for anyone who shares his insatiable interest in this clean fuel of the future. In this post, Scott and Tiffany Kwong imagine taking a less guilt-laden flight on a hydrogen-fuelled aircraft. Industry innovators are targeting commercial flights by 2027.

Did you know that a round trip between New York and Lisbon generates similar emissions to that of the average person in the EU heating their home for one year? That fun (yet frightening?) fact is from the European Commission, which is working to cut aviation emissions as part of the European Green Deal. The aviation sector is the second largest source of transport greenhouse gas emissions (road transport is first on the pollution podium).

Promising innovation industry-wide

The aviation industry has committed to net zero carbon emissions by 2050 using a mix of measures, including sustainable aviation fuels (SAFs). Yet there are concerns over the ability to scale SAFs. This is where hydrogen has the potential to take off as an alternative, particularly for short-haul flights. And British Airways is backing hydrogen for its potential to fuel net-zero emission short-haul flights by 2050.

Initiatives include:

A lot is happening in the hydrogen aircraft space. Stay tuned for the next fun fact in this series – and subscribe to KWM Pulse for updates.

Want to know more about this clean fuel of the future?

You can read more from our experts worldwide on KWM’s Hydrogen page. To share your own favourite hydrogen fun fact, visit Scott’s LinkedIn page.



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