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IP Whiteboard

How many brands can you name?

27 April 2011

Did you know that yesterday was World Intellectual Property Day? Neither did we, until we were alerted to the fact by IP Australia recently. World IP Day is designed to raise awareness of how patents, copyright, trade marks and designs impact our daily lives, something we here at IP Whiteboard whole-heartedly support. So in the spirit of raising awareness of how IP touches each and every one of us we thought we would challenge our readers to a little quiz …

Mallesons Knowledge Consultant and IP Whiteboard editor Damien MacRae runs the Sydney office’s annual trivia night. In 2009 he included the following picture quiz based on photos his twin brother took in Abu Dhabi of western brands in Arabic. How many brands can you pick? (We’ll post the answers soon!)

Even in a foreign land you can still find your [insert favourite brand from above] in the local shopping centre! Here’s to the power of brands!

As an aside, you may or may not be surprised to learn that the IP table (captained by IP Whiteboard’s Nicholas Smith) won the trivia night the year this quiz was included. This may be a testament to their smarts or the inherent bias in the quiz. They have won the trivia night three years in a row and are looking for number four this year, so we’ll assume it’s the former.

Happy World IP Day!

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