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IP Whiteboard

Best Global Brands v Best Facebook Brands

7 September 2011

With thanks to @IPKat for the tip-off, we’ve been comparing Interbrand’s “Best Global Brands 2010” with Socialbakers’ top 50 Facebook-indexed brands.  Coca-Cola rank at top spot on both lists, proving that not only is Coca-Cola one of the world’s most-consumed beverages with incredible product recognition world-wide, but with 33 Million engaged fans, it can add social media guru as another string to its bow.

Of Socialbakers’ top 50 Facebook brands, Levi’s has experienced the highest growth over the past 3 months, climbing by nearly 65% to more than 7.06 Million fans.  BMW’s fans appear to be the most “engaged”, providing the highest number of interactions in proportion to the number of fans, with the least number of posts.  BMW’s use of Facebook functionality is advanced and broad-thinking, in that it has:

  • posted photos and videos of its new release car, the M5;
  • consistently created new posts and responded to existing posts on its discussion board; and
  • encouraged fans to share personal insights – such as the strangest thing ever transported on the passenger seat of their BMW.      

None of the key technology players in Interbrand’s top 20 feature in the Facebook Top 50 directly, however, subsidiaries or specific products such as Sony’s Playstation, Apple’s iTunes, and Microsoft’s Windows Live Messenger and Xbox rate a mention, along with BlackBerry.

Socialbakers also offer ranking of media sites on Facebook which can be limited to particular countries.  Wondering whether News of the World had experienced a sizeable loss in fans over the past few turbulent months, I was interested to note that it had no presence on Socialbakers’ United Kingdom Media tables at all.  On searching for News of the World on Facebook, it was also interesting to note that two pages titled “On a scale of Voldemort to News of the World, how nosey are you?” had a total of nearly 16,000 fans, which would see it rate at number 41 of the top 50 UK Media pages on Facebook if it were included in Socialbakers’ records.

When the top Facebook brands list is restricted to Australia only, it’s Streets’ Bubble O’ Bill ice-creams which rate top, with more than 1.1 Million fans.  Can’t beat a bit of childhood nostalgia eh?!  Check out this handy slideshow posted by Soap Creative, which explains how the Bubble O’ Bill page got started.

In considering the legal ramifications of social networking, as well as the importance of social networking for lawyers and law firms, these statistics and rankings make for very interesting reading.

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