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In Competition

Chinese New Year

24 January 2014

After looking into the crystal ball about what we can expect on the Australian competition landscape in 2014 earlier this week, Susan Ning from our Beijing office has been considering what the Chinese antitrust enforcement authorities may be wishing for in the new lunar year.

Susan recently reflected on what China’s three competition regulatory authorities – the Ministry of Commerce’s, the National Development and Reform Commission and the State Administration for Industry and Commerce – might be focussing on in 2014, commenting that “[i]n 2014 we expect to see enforcement activities reaching another level”.

In the enforcement space, Susan and her team in China expect to see:

  • more abuse of dominance cases,
  • tougher punishments, and
  • determinations on some very big cases (Qualcomm, InterDigital AND Tetra Pak).

On the process side, Susan expects greater numbers of staff, more transparency and due process being followed.  Whilst no new amendments will be made to Chinese competition laws, she notes that a number of important regulations and supplemental rules are likely to be implemented.

To read more, PaRR article (by subscription) can be found here.

Susan Ning is a Senior Partner at King & Wood Mallesons in Beijing and leads the International Trade and Antitrust & Competition Group in China. Read more about her team here and take the time to read our sister blog, China Law Insight.

Martine Phillips and Peta Stevenson

Photo credit: justin_a_glass / / CC BY-NC-SA

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