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In Competition

Bark but not bite?

28 March 2014

In its recent decision of Today FM (Sydney) Pty Limited v Australian Communications and Media Authority [2014] FCAFC 22, the Full Federal Court has held that the investigative and determinative powers of the Australian Communications and Media Authority (“ACMA”) do not extend to making a finding that a broadcasting licensee, or any other person, has committed a criminal offence.  A determination that a licensee has committed an offence is a matter to be determined only by a court exercising criminal jurisdiction.

The successful appeal has vitalised the radio industry as it calls for reform of the ACMA.   Currently, the industry is lobbying the Federal Government for media reform, including limiting the types of complaints ACMA may investigate and to provide for greater rights of appeal.  For the moment, however, the watch dog’s teeth can still bite, but not so hard as to intrude into the sphere of criminal adjudication.

Read more about the decision in Emma Bathurst’s post on our sister blog IP Whiteboard.

Photo credit: Foter / CC BY-SA (Remixed to B&W)

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