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In Competition

FSANZ puts ‘fat free’ under the microscope

30 May 2012

On 17 February 2012, Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) called for submissions on a draft nutrition, health and related claims Standard. It is intended that the new standard would regulate voluntary statements made by manufacturers on labels about the nutritional content of food (such as ‘source of calcium’), or a relationship between a food and health (such as ‘calcium and bone health’). FSANZ is also seeking comment on a proposal regulating ‘fat free’ and ‘percentage fat free’ claims.

Similar action has been taken in the past by the ACCC, such as on World Consumer Rights Day in 2009, when it reminded the food and beverage industry that it must not mislead or deceive consumers in relation to its products, whether through its advertising, sponsorship, packaging, logos or nutritional claims.

Photo credit: ginnerobot / Foter / CC BY-SA

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