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Now there is only One… Direction: Trade mark dispute settles

7 September 2012

Everything’s coming up roses for UK boy band One Direction, this week settling a trade mark dispute with US boy band (also called One Direction) over the use of the name.  We previously posted about this dispute here and here. The UK teen heart-throbs are free to continue using the name, whilst the US band will now go by the name “Uncharted Shores”. 

What a week for UK teen heart-throbs One Direction.  This morning they’ve narrowly edged out competition from Justin Bieber to win MTV’s “Best New Artist”, “Best Pop Video” and “Most Share-Worthy Video” awards at the Music Video Awards for their catchy tune “What Makes You Beautiful”.  In just a few short sleeps, they will be appearing in the Australian version of the X-Factor (can we say, career highlight?!).  But they’ve also been successful in the legal sphere…

We previously posted about the band’s trade mark dispute with US boy band (also called One Direction) here and here.  The lesser-known US group (with slightly less expensive hair-stylists) started the proceedings, alleging that by using the name “One Direction”, the UK band had caused “substantial confusion and substantial damage” to the US group, and sought damages of $1 million plus profits. 

On Monday, the two groups released a joint statement indicating that they were both “happy” to have settled the dispute – the UK group will continue under the One Direction name, while the US band will now go by the moniker “Uncharted Shores (the title of their recent album).

In light of the two groups’ newfound harmony, we thought you might like to see both bands here.  Chair bopping totally excusable.





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