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Get ready, the new National Business Names Register is coming. And this time, we’re serious.

22 May 2012

We previously posted (many times) on the introduction and passage through the various

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houses of parliament (here, here, here and here) of legislation proposing a new national business names register. Wow, what an enjoyable trip down memory lane. (Drum roll please…) The new national business names registration service will commence on Monday 28 May 2012.

It will be administered online by ASIC (, and will replace the existing state and territory business name registers. Existing business name registrations will automatically transfer to the new system. Identical business names registered in multiple states and territories will transfer as a single registration. ASIC have implemented a new traffic-light style system for their online business name availability check, see here. And for those of you who were too busy to attend one of ASIC’s Roadshow Sessions, you can find a copy of the webcast and presentations online here.

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