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In Competition

Clearing the way for improvements to Australia’s merger control process

16 April 2015

The Australian merger control regime can be frustrating for both domestic and international merger parties.  The Harper Committee has recognised by making a number of recommendations in its final report to improve the regime.

In the video above, Sharon Henrick and Caroline Coops, two of our Competition Law Partners at King & Wood Mallesons, discuss what the key areas of concern in Australia’s current merger control regime – for Caroline, it is transparency and for Sharon, that our voluntary and informal regime is sometimes treated by the Commission as mandatory and suspensory without any of the checks and balances that usually apply to mandatory and suspensory regimes.

Please enjoy

For further information on the Harper Committee’s final report, please see our alert here.

Image credit: Flickr | GlacierNPS. Remixed to black and white and resized.


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