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IP Whiteboard

Therapeutic Goods Legislation Amendment (Copyright) Bill 2011 has commenced! (updated)

31 May 2011

Just over 3 months after the Therapeutic Goods Legislation Amendment (Copyright) Bill 2011 was introduced into Parliament, and 2 weeks after it was passed unamended, the Governor General has given her Royal Assent to the Bill. The Amendment took effect on 28 May.

Section 44BA of the Copyright Act 1968 now provides that supplying, reproducing, publishing, communicating or adapting product information will not amount to an infringement of copyright in the product information, where the otherwise infringing act is done for a purpose relating to the safe supply of medicines.

See our posts here and here for more on the passage of the Bill.

Editor’s note:  Oops!  Those of you with eagle eyes may have observed that our initial report indicated that the Therapeutic Goods Legislation Amendment (Copyright) Bill 2011 had commenced on the 31 May 2011.  In fact, it was three days earlier on 28 May 2011, so we have clarified this in the post.  Sorry for any confusion.

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