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IP Whiteboard

How did someone think of THAT? 2010’s most interesting trade marks

8 December 2010

This time of year often causes one to reflect on the “year that was”, and here at Mallesons IP Whiteboard we are no exception.  A recent article about silly business names got us laughing, and thinking – what weird and wonderful trade marks have been registered in Australia this year?  A search of the Register reveals some rather creative marks. 

First, it’s hats off to the registrants of “Licensed To Chill”, who obviously realised the value of associating their “airconditioning installation, [and] maintenance and repairs to automobiles” services with a clever play on words.  Similarly, we can appreciate the creativity of the “Saving Private Rain” trade mark for specified water pumps in class 7, and the “Who Gives A Crap” trade mark, registered in relation to a whole range of class 16 goods including – you guessed it – toilet paper.  Other stand outs include registrations for “Big Brain Small Bum” (for educational materials) and the appealing “PIMP MY SNACK” (for various foods). 

Of the trade marks entered on the Australian Register in 2010, there are also some great examples of when an otherwise ‘generic’ or ‘descriptive’ word may be registered when it does not directly relate to the goods or services specified in the application.  For example, this year the word “OWL” was registered for various class 9 goods eg: apparatus and instruments for measuring electricity; the word “BUTTER” was registered for various class 35 publicity and business services; and the words “water & wine” were registered for retail and clothing.

Perhaps our favourite registration this year, though, is that of the trade mark “ELVIS PRESLEY” for “credit card services, debit card services, [and] smart card services”.  Given that Elvis wasn’t exactly known for his fiscal responsibility, perhaps a credit card in his name makes sense…  However, a quick Internet search reveals a more philanthropic motive, in that users of the card will benefit the Elvis Presley Foundation.

And on that note we can’t help but wonder what the new year will bring …

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